Winds of Change '73

Winds of Change '73


This is the first volume in the critically acclaimed Western Years series 1973-77 from Adrian Curtis. Winds of Change 1973 takes the reader on a journey back in time to the very first Western Class withdrawals and that sinking feeling among enthusiasts that nothing would ever quite be the same again. From the moment D1032 Western Marksman was taken out of traffic in January 1973, the first Western to stop running, the race was on to photograph and ride behind as many of the remaining fleet before it became too late. Thankfully, as is charted in subsequent volumes, that race lasted another four years, but in the dark days of 1973, time felt precious to all those with Maybach blood in their veins. This book is a must for those who have enjoyed the others in this series. A4 size hard back, 68 Colour and black and white pages on semi-gloss paper, it is a must for all those who hark back to the glory days before it all got much worse. £25.00 POST AND PACKAGING INCLUDED!

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